What came first?

The Hen of course!

Genesis 1:25, ESV: "And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."


Our White Leg Horn Hens

These ladies lay our white eggs, laying an average of around 360-380 eggs a year. This breed is very athletic and hardy and lay eggcelent large and extra large white eggs.


Our Free-Range Rhode Island Red Hens

Our Free-Range laying hens love the outdoors. Every morning when the doors are open they roam the hillsides. They create sand baths to clean their feathers. They scratch the ground to search for bugs, worms, and insects. These ladies lay about 300-320 brown eggs a year!

What makes eggs white vs. brown?

White eggs are laid by white-feathered chickens with white or light colored earlobes while the brown eggs are laid by brown-feathered chickens with red earlobes.